According to a recent Bloomberg report and Gallop pole, same sex marriage is considered the “fastest moving social issue in United States history.” Yet surprisingly, out of thousands of Americans who were questioned, most reported to believe the percentage of gay, lesbian, bi-sexual or transgender population to be roughly 25% of our nations population. According to these reports the real stats place that segment of our society under 4%. It is interesting that the perception of most believe it to be more than six times that amount. There’s no denying, the LGBT community has done a stellar job of coming together with one voice and an inexhaustible commitment to shift the cultural perspective of American family, love and marriage. Taking strong public stands and utilizing every media tool at their disposal, they have won a reported 60% in support of same-sex marriage. Quite a feat for 4% of our populace.
Persistence, tenacity, passion for a common goal and well organized strategies have enabled this reportedly small percent of our population to bring about a radical re-interpretation of American values. Interesting, especially given the most recent figures provided claim 70% of Americans profess to be Christian. It is certainly no secret that for Christians, biblical teaching places issues such as same sex marriage and abortion at polar opposite sides. It would stand to reason that even our pro-choice and LGBT family and friends would not expect Christians to support their stance on these issues. They do not apologize for their convictions on these controversial debates, and I presume they would not expect us to.
Still most of the two hundred and twenty five million Christians (according to the recent reports) remain largely silent and non-participatory. The “God bless America” in our heritage and its associated blessing continues to evaporate as many of our nations Bible based laws and values vacate. God bless America, how does that go again? It’s been a while since we’ve heard it. When one considers the “fait accompli “these 13 million, give or take, out of 322 million have attained it is nothing short of staggering. Tirelessly working together, bound in purpose and vision they have proven to be passionately committed to their objectives while remaining fiercely unified. What a concept. Maybe they read Psalm 133.
Storming our countries legislative system, rallying, protesting, litigating and funding the necessary platforms it takes to succeed, they reach into their pockets, show up at meetings, strategically plant themselves in the center of the public eye and demand change, even at personal cost. I guess that’s what it looks like when something is really important to you. They’ve even won the bathroom battle, claiming transgender individuals (reported to be approx. 0.3% of our population according to the Williams Institute) were being discriminated against. Now all public schools are required to allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice. They don’t want to make the one child out of 32,103,000 feel uncomfortable. Let the other thirty two million deal with it.
So as we comfortably sit at home and choose to shy away from taking a public stand for Christ and our nations Judeo- Christian values, making our daily routine and personal to do list our greatest passion, are we not passively endorsing the decimation of our country’s Christian Heritage? Is not our apathy and lethargy supporting the changes in our cultures mindset and governmental laws? Are we not breaking the oath of covenant our forefathers entered into with Jehovah-God at the onset of our country’s formation, or are we too disinterested and unaware to even consider that? Maybe we’re afraid of being falsely accused of opposing women’s health or being homophobic. Are we that thin skinned and inept at defending life and marriage? Do we not believe that God is on our side? And when by the way, did killing your unborn child become women’s health and family planning? I guess while we were sleeping.
Unfortunately I have more so come to believe our convictions simply pale in comparison to those in the other camp. The fervor, passion and commitment to show up and take a public stand for the cause of Christ doesn’t seem to be there despite our profession. Maybe we’re waiting for somebody else to do it. As the “one nation under God” slips through our fingers and the mention of His name goes from a politically incorrect faux-pas to a provocative offense, let us not point the finger at any one person or group. Let us place the blame squarely where it lies; on the church of God, the body of Christ, on me and on you. For this country from its inception and covenantal oath with God has only been ours to lose.
So maybe we should take a tip from the beloved LGBT member in our family, or friend or co-worker. Just like they did, maybe we should search our hearts and souls and determine what is really important to us. Maybe we need to rediscover the passion in our own lives, in our personal relationship with Christ. Maybe we need to repent and return to our first love. To re-establish the very foundation on which our lives and our faith is said to be built. To rally as so many others have and publicly support what we say we believe in. Or will unity, power and passion in the body of Christ remain just another lofty ideal our Sunday message Pastors preach about? Oh I forgot, we hardly show up for that anymore either. I wonder if we can measure the cost of our quiet disregard.
In our culture today, one can not help but notice all of those who have come out of the closet with gusto. Who scream, fight, take a stand, rally and persevere for what they believe in, hardly counting the cost. Maybe it’s time we as the church re-discover our passion, come out of the closet and do the same.