It was 1999 and I knew the time was short. The sense of an oncoming event had now escalated to a level of urgency. How much time do I have? I would ask Him. The communication was surprising as in this season of life my guilt had become a road block between us. The miry mixture of shame, fear and disappointment stuck to me like a dirty blanket and followed me everywhere I went. If this was a test I had failed miserably.
The concrete cold of Manhattan did not welcome me with kindness and although outwardly succeeding, inwardly I lost immeasurably. Forfeiting one’s bearings; well being and peace of mind while pursuing the American dream was not worth the cost regardless of what the bottom line read. The problem was I believed a lie and each day that passed I empowered it more. Like Peter, I had failed. I had fallen. Knowing I had effectively forsaken God through my behavior, I was yet to discover He would not forsake me. Visit me He did whether I sought Him or not and each time the flame of hope within my being was re-kindled.
As I prayed I began to experience strong impressions regarding an event that would transpire in New York. This was troubling and I eschewed its message time and time again. It did not leave and became most notable during quiet time. Dreams confirmed this message as I tried to dismiss its legitimacy. It esclated until an inner SCREAM of warning bellowed in my spirit. I was convinced Manhattan was about to experience a crisis. Would it be a calamity of mother nature? The devastation of a crippling hurricane that would wipe out the city I lived in? Or would it be a financial collapse leaving empty buildings and vacant streets that now daily jammed with people? No. I believed it would involve a great loss of life and lay low this robust, in your face city. This metropolis of excess, decadence and thriving ego.
The summer was fast approaching and I knew I had to leave. As the providence of God so often confirms circumstances were swiftly re-aligning. The handwriting was on the wall and when I made the jump it felt as if I was making it by the skin of my teeth. The urgency was palpable. Too great to ignore and though I had not yet gained a comfort level sharing such things I spoke what I thought those close to me could tolerate hearing. I was well trained by family to not speak of all things Christ and remained largely quiet in accommodation. I was compelled to express to them my concern and when I did received a silent gaze.
I moved to Santa Fe New Mexico and lived daily with the expectation of a New York catastrophe. Osama Bin Ladin had not yet exploded the Twin Towers with his living bombs and it would take two years to happen. I will never forget receiving the early morning call from a New York friend. Quick, turn on the news. The scene I sat riveted watching would continue to play thousands of times over. The digital imagery was the least of it, as it was indelibly seared on the minds and hearts of an entire nation. I hung up the phone astonished at the magnitude of the event and contemplated the strange resolve settling in my stomach. It had come. It was over.
Although this prophetic foreshadowing materialized much later than expected perhaps the urgency in my spirit was meant to engage me in intercession and/or a prayerful exploration of what else could be done. Perhaps I was meant to tell everyone I knew what I saw and heard in my spirit self and urge them to pray. Urge them to turn toward the Lord and cry out on behalf of this city we all called home. To turn around, change the way we viewed God and begin to seek Him with all our hearts.
I kept it inside and remained silent. Another test I failed.
Mercy and truth kissed in the person of Jesus Christ. Early Resurrection Sunday Mary Magdalene visited the tomb of the dead Messiah only to find a risen Christ. This God-man told her to rush and tell His beloved disciple. “Go Tell Peter” He said. Peter. The one who denied and cursed Jesus multiple times in His gravest hour. The one who bragged to the Lord himself, though others may leave he would never desert Him. Maybe this was Peter’s second conversion. From death to life yet again. Quite a revelation to learn his Master loved his unlovable despicable, self. Amazing how God’s mercy saturated love can pierce through guilt, shame and self loathing. The beginning of transformation.
So this time I am making the choice to speak what I have heard.
A massive insect, significantly larger than a human being stands in an aggressive posture of attack. Its back legs raised, its forward legs bent, it’s head up and eyes frozen ; it focuses on its prey; Manhattan. It is ready. It seems to lick in anticipation.
It can not and will not move until it receives clearance for the attack. It earnestly awaits the command.
A storm has begun and the raging waters overwhelm. The torrent is terrifying. I see a small boat capsizing as people scream for help. Biting wind gusts at record velocity. Angry water slams intent on consuming and demolishing everything in its path.
This is a devastating storm.
A confident almost smug young man is on a sail boat. The storm is bitter. He rides on the water standing seemingly laze-fair with a straight back and firm gaze. He holds the mast of this boat securely although his craft is entirely up-ended and turned on its side. Perched at what seems like a 90 degree angle he is annoyed but not shaken despite the calamity. He is approaching the capsized boat and people the waters are swallowing. I feel he will have some success.
Mid-town theater district seems normal and a young man gushes with excitement informing me he has 10 auditions lined up. 10 I say? I am pleased yet concerned for him. He hopes one of these will change the course of his destiny. I wonder.
I walk in the back kitchen door of my parents home. Five white dogs I do not know respond to me as an intruder and make me uneasy. My mother attempts to manage them and grabs their collars rushing them into another room.
I am upstairs and notice a most unusual carpet of thick, shiny green that bears a luster not common to any carpet I have seen. It is reminiscent of freshly mowed thick green grass. I hear my brother in another room as I wonder at what type of flooring this is. I wake up.
“This dream came early Friday morning April 14th, one of three dreams in a weeks time. All three dreams were about both cities I call home; Santa Fe, New Mexico and New York.
The setting: No question the events take place in Manhattan. The Hudson river, mid-town, it is clearly my prior home, New York city.
Insect: The abnormally large insect represents a devastation of attack that is inspired demonically. In Revelation chapter nine John details the army of locusts being led by a King named Abaddon (Hebrew) or Apollyon (Greek.) The name Destroyer is also one of the definitions of the name Allah, (Al-Munit). The name is commonly translated “Destruction” and is closely associated with death and/or the grave. The book of Revelation indicates they are given supernatural power. The inspiration for the destructive power is a personal one, that of both a king of darkness and an angel. In this case a fallen angel. The prophet Joel describes their appearance as horses galloping into battle where at the sight of them nations are in anguish and every face turns pale. (Joel 2:6) Used as an arm of judgment the Egyptians were devastated by an army of locusts in one of the ten plagues that stripped the land bare and left nothing.
The Storm: Severe turbulence may speak of either a natural disruption of significant proportions or another type of devastation that may or may not be a literal storm.
The Young Man on the Boat: This was a piece that was not clear initially but after prayerful consideration I believe it to be our new President. While in office he will face this challenge in the city he also calls home but God will be with him and grant him favor navigating through this storm. I wonder if the fact he was represented as young in the dream indicates it is early is his presidency. I do not know.
The Young Man in the Theater District: The young man is a confirmation of our young nation and mid-town Manhattan again represents the heart of the city, which is its people. The young man indicates our country carries so much possibility for the future. The repeated auditions speak of the repeated call to repentance by the Lord and opportunities to change the nations destiny. The fact he is young also speaks of the foolishness and waywardness, the lewdness of youth. Like a prodigal son. New York City is where the new government of our young country was founded. In the very heart of ground zero, the site of the Trade Tower devastation is where George Washington gave his first Presidential speech. In this speech he declared America as a new nation under God and made an oath to honor and obey the Bible as a nation. He entered into a covenant with Lord at the very onset of our nation. Our country has broken that covenant and forsaken His ways in our laws, court system, educational system, media, entertainment and more. For more details on this I recommend reading America’s Christian Heritage by Gary Demar, or simply reviewing the archives of historical government documents on line. Jonathon Cahn also includes much of this documentation in his book The Harbinger.
The 10 Auditions: Why the number ten? The Biblical use of the number ten is clear and consistent through out scripture. There are ten commandments, there were 10 generations before the flood of Noah. There were ten plagues in Egypt prior to the release of the Israelite’s, ten virgins waiting for the Bridegroom. Ten represents man’s responsibility to the law and the completion of a cycle of time that brings forth the consequence of either obedience or dis-obedience to the law. The 10 auditions in my dream I believe represents opportunity to obey the commandments of the Lord as a people, as a state, as the governing leadership of the nation. I sense the completion of time represented by the number 10 indicates the time of consequence for not obeying God’s laws and breaking covenant. We are approaching the fullness of time.
Parents House, family, dogs and carpet: This piece of the dream is personal to my family and is not to be shared at this time.
Why part of a dream trilogy? When a dream is repeated and confirmed to the dreamer it speaks of the matter being settled in the heart of God. “Now as for the repeating of the dream to Pharaoh twice, it means that the matter is determined by God…” – Genesis 41:32
In Summary: The embodiment of this dreams message is one of great warning. A call to repentance. Repentance. A word which although meant as an invitation has become an offense. A dirty word to many. I’m reminded of a young man in scripture who bore the pain of family rejection, loss and ridicule as he delivered to his community the declaration of warning, the call to repentance. The very words that were meant to spare them and circumvent their destruction. Jeremiah was so burdened by the future events revealed to him he was called The Weeping Prophet. Even so his burden paled to that of Noah’s who over the course of generations bore the reproach and disdain of his heavenly truth.
Many interpret God’s patience as His absence and as the book of Roman’s says, they despise his goodness. “Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance and patience not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?” –Romans 2:4 The Lord though exceedingly patient and merciful hears the blood drenched land testify against its people. He hears the souls of millions of unborn children cry for justice as he heard Abel’s blood cry out from the ground. This cry moves the heart of God toward retribution. Something we passionately believe we deserve when injustice destroys us or our loved ones.
There are many examples through out scripture where the Lord altered his plans in response to people humbling themselves in prayer. For He promises, “If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” -2 Chronicles 7:14
God has never imposed his will upon us so yet again it remains our choice. Moses reminded God’s people in the book of Deuteronomy when he told them: “He has set before us life and prosperity or death and adversity.” I pray we choose life.