Bringing branches of Palm they shouted, “Hosanna Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!” What excitement filled Jerusalem that day. Could it be the long awaited Messiah fulfilling Zechariah’s prophecy?
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold your King is coming to you; He is just and endowed with salvation, humble and mounted on a donkey, Even on a colt the foal of a donkey.”
The religious leaders angrily watched the climatic fervor of the crowd and despised Joseph’s son. How dare he? A common carpenter! Enraged by the adulation they demanded He silence His followers. “If they remain silent, the rocks will cry out” Jesus softly replied. Yes! As Habakkuk proclaimed the rocks would cry out! Just as Abel’s blood cried from the ground. Just as the trees of the field clap their hands and the river of life joyously clamors in praise to the Holy One! Just as the angels hush and fall in worship at the mere mention of His name.
Messiah comes slowly, gently riding his foal. He passes the Holy Temple, rebuilt to a shadow of Solomon’s glory, knowing shortly not one stone will be left in place! Messiah watches the pomp and ceremony of the Priests as they cross over the sheep gate to carefully select that one special lamb. The paschal lamb. For according to the law it must be spotless. Perfect to bear the sin from the High Priests’ hand as he impart it to the blameless, precious one that will make atonement for all.
Son of God! What must you have felt? Watching the enactment of your Father’s commands, knowing each and every one pointed to you! Blindly they rushed about, so self important! Self righteously they followed the jot and tittle of the law and missed the very face of God that watched before them!
But for a brief moment there were those who rejoiced and welcomed you as their King! Hosanna, Hosanna! Their voices rang in joy and exultation! Laying their garments before you they transformed dirt, stone and rock into a regal path for royalty! Their long awaited Messiah King! Yet you knew…you knew their hearts more than they! Their praises would soon turn to hateful words demanding you endure the cruelest of deaths. Holy Son of God what must you have thought?
Yet your perfect, unbridled love radiated upon them. Gazing into their eyes, reading their hearts, your mercy, tenderness and forgiveness bathed them. Miracles broke forth as the lame lept with joy. The blind shed tears of awe struck wonder as they beheld your beautiful face. The tormented and hopeless sang your praises as they over and over again sang out the most beautiful name….. Yeshusa Ha-Mashiach! Wonderful Counselor! Prince of Peace! Precious, Holy Jesus!
HOSANNA! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!