Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated!
If you are passionate about the gospel of the kingdom, the preaching and teaching of the life changing miraculous power of God, please stand with us in both prayer and financial support.
We can not fulfill the mission the Lord has called us to without partners just like you and we are humbled and grateful for any support you can give.
Please enter the amount you would like to donate in the box below.
We appreciate anything you are generous enough to give. Every penny makes a difference.
TJR Non-Profit Articles of Incorporation have been approved in the State of New Mexico.
As a 501(c)(3) organization, TJR Ministries is not funded by taxpayers and depends on the support of donors like you to continue our work.
Please note: In compliance with Federal law, TJR is required to deduct the retail value of the item you receive from your donation amount. Your statement will reflect these details. We are humbled and thankful for your prayers and financial support.
BONUS: We’d like to say THANK YOU! With any donation, $50.00 or more, receive a free CD.