Many people are quick to dismiss vibrant messages that come during what the Bible calls night visions: what we call dreams. A friend of mine describes treating dreams like junk mail, quickly deleting them from the database of our hearts (it was only a dream!) rather than prayerfully considering the possibility it may be an inspired message.
Throughout scripture the Lord repeatedly visited both His people and unbelievers in their dreams. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon required his Chaldean soothsayers to both describe his dream content and provide the interpretation. Aghast at such a request not one of them could satisfy the King’s demand. Thankfully a young Israelite named Daniel sought the Lord and received both the content and interpretation. Through this the Lord spared his and many other lives from the Kings declaration of death.
So what is the value of a dream you ask? Well sometimes it’s the spicy food you ate the night before or your subconscious mind searching out this or that, but I am persuaded more than we would suspect, the Spirit of the Lord chooses to communicate with us during a time He has our full attention; when we’re asleep!
Some messages are vibrantly clear and immediately understood such as the dreams Joseph had when first he was told to marry the virgin, yet pregnant Mary carrying the promised Savior. Then again when He was instructed to flee to Egypt as Herod sought to murder the young Messiah. All male children under the age of two were slaughtered in a frantic attempt to destroy Him. The Lord warned Joseph through a dream and gave him specific instruction as to where to go.
The patriarch Jacob’s son Joseph also received a notable dream in his youth, prophetically foretelling his destiny. Although displaying a lack of wisdom by sharing the dream with jealous siblings, its message was vindicated years later. Joseph was catapulted to a position of great authority and as the dream indicated, his father and brothers came bowing before him seeking sustenance to keep the family alive. For in fact, Joseph’s divine destiny was to lead Egypt through the nations most severe crisis. Ironically this young Joseph’s dream also came to fulfillment through the wisdom and gifting God gave him to interpret other’s dreams. As Daniel was, Joseph too was led to a place of great authority at the Pharaohs right hand by way of dream.
The prophet Joel prophesied in the last days we would again see God visit his people through dreams and visions as He pours out His Spirit upon ALL flesh. And I believe when God says ALL He mans ALL! Believers and unbelievers alike.
I recently heard testimony of conversions to Christianity from the Muslim community where Christ has visited many in their dreams proclaiming He is the way of salvation. When they ultimately encountered Christians they said, YES I have seen your Jesus in my dreams!
The Holy Spirit promises to lead us into all truth and as Jesus said those who hunger and thirst will be filled. I think it is time to re-look at the messages in our dreams. I have found the Lord speaks “Teresa” as no one else can and that is true for all of us. The nuances of our individual life experiences influences how He speaks to us as individuals, intermingled with Biblical truth, imagery and symbolism. Writing out the prominent aspects of your dreams and prayerfully bringing them before Him for wisdom and clarity as you study scripture will assuredly open a world of insight.
The Holy Spirit of God encourages, convicts, guides, warns and comforts us in a way no one else in our life can and I believe we are missing valuable wisdom if we cannot discern when the Lord is speaking to us. As Elijah taught us, the Lord was not in the wind, the earth quake, the lightening but in the whisper! What is God whispering to you? He never contradicts His written word and the Holy Spirit never does anything that does not glorify Jesus! I have found He is a very personal God and intimately engages in relationship with us if we will let Him! He has given so much and continues to do so if we are willing to draw near to Him!
I have been visited in both dreams and visions and have been highly impacted by these God ordained divine interruptions through out my life and have finally come to a place of utter surrender! In my next writing I will share a DREAM TRILOGY I have recently had concerning two cities very dear to my heart: Santa Fe and New York. Both places I consider home. I believe these dreams to be prophetic and purposeful for those who have hearts to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is speaking.
Until then, I pray you will consider prayerfully engaging with the Lord regarding what He is speaking to you through every aspect of your life; including the quiet whispers, or not so quiet whispers of your dreams!